- Back in 1901, the cancer rate was 1 in 8,000...today it is 1 in 3!
- Asthma is the leading chronic illness in children (Nat'l Safetly Council)
- Autism now affects 1 in 166 children
- ACS researchers – 200 chemicals found in everyday consumer products caused breast cancer in animal tests.
- Researchers conclusion: reducing the exposure to these compounds could prevent many women from developing the disease.
- There is a growing body of evidence linking environmental contaminants to breast cancer – the leading killer of US women age 35-55
If even a small percentage of these illnesses or conditions are caused by preventable environmental factors, think how many people would be spared if we got rid of the repeated, unnecessary exposures to these sources!
Making your home a safer, healthier place to be now may make the difference in your family's health later!